Source: Environment Improvement in the Sea Bottom by Steelmaking Slag.
Source: Environment Improvement in the Sea Bottom by Steelmaking Slag.
Source: 《結合牡蠣養殖與轉爐石應用於淨水與二氧化碳封存之構想》
Source: Water Improvement Initiatives in New Zealand Using Melter Slag Filter Beds.
Source: 2013/4/8 7:00 譯自日本經濟新聞電子版
Source: 『日本鐵鋼新聞』
Source: Water Improvement Initiatives in New Zealand Using Melter Slag Filter Beds.
Source: Environment-Friendly Block, "Ferroform" Made from Steel Slag.
Source: An assessment of iron and steel slags for treatment of stormwater pollution.
Source: 『日本鐵鋼新聞』
Source: 國際環境經濟研究所-轉爐石改善海域環境