爐石種類 | 重金屬溶出種類與百年環境釋入量 | ||
粒徑>40 mm | 粒徑<4 mm | BMD Criteria | |
轉爐石 | Ba: 0.01 mg/m2/100 yr Se: 0.04 mg/m2/100 yr |
Ba: 571 mg/m2/100 yr | Ba: 6300 mg/m2/100 yr |
改質轉爐石 | Se: 0.05 mg/m2/100 yr | Ba: <0.01 mg/m2/100 yr | |
滾筒轉爐石 | Cu: 0.01 mg/m2/100 yr V: 0.03 mg/m2/100 yr |
Ba: <0.01 mg/m2/100 yr | |
註1:試驗方法為NEN7345, "Leaching characteristics of solid earthy and stony building and waste materials- Leaching tests- Determination of the leaching of inorganic components from buildings and monolithic waste materials by diffusion test",以及CEN/TS 14405, "Characterization of waste - Leaching behaviour tests - Up-flow percolation test (under specified conditions)"。 註2:其他As、Cd、Cr、Co、Hg、Pb、Mo、Mi、Sb、Sn、Zn等11項重金屬皆有分析,惟溶出濃度低於偵測極限或累積溶出量小於環境背景係數,故並無百年環境釋入量。 |